I have chewed over the words and turned them around a few times. It was a trip I did not anticipate. I went to Cape Town for a few reasons. To attend a Funeral, see my sister in Law and then spend a week with my mom to help her “sort” out some stuff that…

Larry at Pick ‘n Pay and my wishes around a venereal disease

Pick ‘n Pay sat around and thought to themselves, “what could make shopping with kids at our store more painful for parents?” and one bright spark put up his hand and said “yes, let’s make Stikeez!” Initially the brain storming crew could not understand what the pull of making parents spend R150.00 at their stores…

Empty Nest?

Originally posted on Mother Hen:
I have had a few ups and downs since Christmas. The Christmas season always brings home that family is incredibly important. I have found myself with a new group of trainees and I just couldn’t bring myself to connect with them on a personal level like I did my last…